Sorry bout the lack of post's. It seem like I can't get out of go go go mode. And I have a house full of outta town family this week. But I managed to snatch 30ish minutes at the thrift, to find a few must haves for the winter list, which included, a vintage fur, ( still looking for one with a hood),and a long leather coat( preferably 70's or earlier). Here's a few gem's I found, along with a couple dresses. I alway's love the
unusual and atypical! Happy Monday!
Can you believe this on trend wrap is only $ 8.49!! I loved it! |
Pale blue leather and faux fur. Awesome on. |
Umm. yeah I'm feelin this! |
I can't wait till my Iphone 5 comes in so I can post better pic's, because the color, pattern, and black velvet accentson this 60's dress were amazing! |
Oh snap! That velvet dress is awesome.