Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Read's to stir the creative soul

I am a reader, always have been, alway's will be. How does the old phrase go? ..ah yes..."Knowledge is power". Even though I am limited now a day's on my leisurely reading time , I can alway's fit in an art book or mag each week. Frankly I need that artistic eye candy to keep me enthused, and inspired. Some of my favorite thing's to see and read are about other artists and their studios/workspace . So these are my reads of choice this week , one book is so whimsical and fun that I read it over. And over . If your interest is like mine, you may want to check these out at your local library first, for a rainy weekend of good reads ! Happy wasp

Somerset has mag's on whatever tickle's your artsy fancy.

hello, I need to try this image transfer tech on salvaged wood.

Must have book!

This is a great one gifted to me by a sweet little bird!

This is book of my all time favorites . it is literally an art party in a book!!

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