While at the fabric store the other day picking out fabric for a baby gift, my 9 yr old suggested I get fabric to make a flag for our front porch. Jolly good idea he had! After we left with the supplies, I realized my clever child just averted us from stopping at another store! I have to admit it was a great idea, as I could make it my style with whimsy, and for a smidgen of the cost of a typical flag.

.I found some perfect old fashioned looking yellow floral fabric. And at $1.50 a yard, I say yes please! I roughly used 3/4 of a yard. I cut it in the shape of a castle flag, and on one piece, I sewed on my decoration's which included doilie's , and a $1.00 hanky from a five & dime store. Since it was my summer flag, I wanted a phrase that would suit. What came to mind was a song my grandma would sing me... In the good old summer time. Perfect for me to embroider on the hanky, then secure on the flag with a colorful zig zag stitch.

Then I simply put right sides together, and again used a zigzag to sew together all but the end.

Next you flip it right side out, and then roll the top down to make a nice pocket to fit your flagpole. Again i used a zigzag to sew this. And there you have it! Let the wind whip your fabulous new summer flag that look's like no other!

oh and ironically, while I was making this, I was watching my You've Got Mail movie, which I discovered was made after the an old 50's movie called... In the good old summertime!

So grab a bit of fabric and sew your own one of a kind cheery seasonal flag! And have a splendid weekend!:-) Dawn