Twas a crisply cool Saturday morn, and I was heading for my 9:30 destination when lo and behold , I see that eyeball grabbing, beguiling sign that read's Estate Sale. Twitch..gulp..I look at the time..I have 7 minute's... Skreeeeech!!! And off I go to see, just what I could possibly be missing out on if I don't at least do a quick scan..and here's my flash find's of the day. (p.s, as I pulled up somebody was loading up some totally awesome trendy lucite chair's! Congratulation's you lucky dog, for finding a designer's dream!) Ah well I was happy anyhoo!
Awesome lucite jewelry boxes with removable divider's, for a pittance!
I bought these brand new professional grade pencil's that regularly cost 40 buck's and up for...$1.00..squeal!
You may laugh, but I'm not kiddin when I say I was just gripping about how i needed one of these industrial triple hole punches! Again only one buckaroo!! |
And finally, as you can see, a box crammed full of mostly new embroidery floss. Oh happy day! I hope your's was too!:0 Dawn |
Why thankyou kindly! Your comment's make my day!..And my weekend!:) Dawn