Reader's, forgive me for being late with this post. It was a nonstop Friday! Alas it is Saturday, and I have a project for you, using vintage pattern's. I needed something unique for a friend having her first baby. So as I was going through my patterns, I found some for baby's. "lightbulb moment!" Why not make her some fridge magnet's for her sonogram's, and or first baby pic's! So here we go!
Supplie's: pattern, wood shape's( found in bags at craft store), Mod podge, scissor's, Americana silver paint, pencil, peel and stick magnets.

1) take your wood shape's, and trace around the image you want.
2)cut out your image's
3) paint all your wood pieces silver, or whatever color you like
4) use Mod Podge to glue and seal image's to wood shapes.
5) stick magnet's to back, and press firmly.

I have been making magnet's for year's and alway's find them instantly gratifying, and hopefully you will enjoy this project too!:)
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