Whenever I need a little rejuvenation, a good ol mini road trip with friend's does the trick! We alway's like to take book's mag's or sewing project's to do on the way. Another thing I alway's carry is a inexpensive journal,to keep ideas, sketches and other miscellany.

So I picked up a simple yellow one for less than two buckaroo's from the craft store, and thought I would jazz it up with a couple vintage ladies. I applied them with glittery Collage Pauge, and then figured I should have a custom made pencil to go with my custom journal.

Next, I gathered, fresh pencils, pretty paper's, a ruler, scissors, and this time some Mod Podge. And simply measured, cut ,and glued myself some sweet pencils to go with my journal. It's the little thing's we do that can make even a quick trip even more memorable. Have a wonderful weekend!
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